Tick Repeller

Cistus Incanus is the latin name for the mediterranean Rock Rose plant.  Because of its powerful antiviral properties and its ability to break up the biofilm in the body, the tea is highly recommended for addressing symptoms related to Lyme’s Disease by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, world-renowned expert in Lyme’s treatments.  Research has also shown it to break up biofilm in the mouths of cows.  Biofilm is the stuff that can lead to cavities so many people believe that it is also good for teeth, keeping them cavity free.  There are also people who have noticed a marked reduction in ticks on themselves and their dogs after drinking the tea regularly (up to 4 cups per day).  This is all anecdotal and we are not making any claims but as parents in Dutchess County, NY (one of the most tick-heavy areas in the country), we have been scouring the world for something that our families can take to repel ticks from the inside out.

The tea is almost impossible to purchase in the US and as a result, it is usually incredibly expensive or you will need to pay large shipping fees if ordering it from the handful of German companies who sell it but we have discovered a source in Greece.  The tea is harvested from wild growing Rock Rose plants in Crete that have not been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals.

We are excited to bring  you Cistus Incanus tea at an affordable price because we believe that anyone who is interested in trying it should be able to.  We charge only $25 per ziploc bag plus shipping and handling.


To order a bag, please email us at tickrepeller@yahoo.com.  We also recommend always spraying with an effective tick spray as well when going out in the woods.  This way, you are protected on all levels.

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